Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus Lockdown India - 1

Life these days, is no less than a Hollywood movie script. Coronavirus named monster has taken over the world. Already engulfed 189 countries in the world so far. This is what today's world stats look like -

India counts at 396 cases so far & 7 deaths. We have been working from home from past 12 days. The entire state is under lock down till 31st March 2020. Yesterday we had our first curfew because of the disease (and first of my life).

Let me talk about how the life has been so far with this Coronavirus in last 2.5 months.

It all started with news about some contagious disease that originated from Wuhan, China in January (sometime before Chinese New Year). At that time nobody thought that it would effect life outside China so much. Working in Flipkart (Walmart company in India) we started getting request from Walmart officials to stop all online sales of masks and export them to China. We were in the process of doing exactly that when Indian government put a ban on export of masks and hand sanitizer. Honestly that was the day it hit me. Damn! we could be effected as well.

India Coronavirus cases
January 30th 2020 - India detected first case of Coronavirus in Kerala. Then 2 more cases on Feb 2nd & Feb 3rd 2020. All 3 in Kerala. We did not worry so much as Kerala has always been notorious for importing all exotic diseases. No new cases for a month after that. During this time, India started air lifting its citizens from all over the world. We kept hearing about countries like Italy, Iran, Japan, South Korea, USA, Spain getting badly hit by the virus. Kim Jong Un shooting one Coronavirus patient found in North Korea. The entire ship 'Diamond Princess' stranded between the Ocean and all 760 people infected with virus. China kept under reporting their numbers as usual. These days all we watch is news about #Coronavirus

Corona wave hit India on March 2nd 2020 - 2 new cases then 3 new cases next day and it has not stopped since then. Prime Minister announced One day Curfew #JantaCurfew as a trial for lock down few days back. Lock down was yesterday.

Lol! A small meme that I saw on Twitter yesterday.
Yesterday morning seemed like a silence before the storm but with a little music. The surroundings were so peaceful (because nobody was allowed to go outside) that I could hear birds chirping the entire day (which is so unusual in Bangalore). Animals must be wondering where did all these humans go?

It was all so peaceful until 5pm. That's when the Prime Minister has asked us to clap/show appreciation for all the people who are risking their lives to protect the entire population which includes all the health workers, police men, delivery guys, cleaners basically everybody who cannot stay at home. I saw all Indians united for the first time at 5 pm. People were there in their balconies clapping. There was no religion, no political agenda, just one motive - Appreciation and thanks. It was a very emotional moment. I had to literally hold my tears. For the first time I felt this country as one.

Corona doing some good so far.

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